Ganesh Versus the Third Reich
“A remarkable production that never lets you settle into passive acceptance of anything it does. It’s a vital, senses-sharpening tonic for theatregoers who feel they’ve seen it all.”
Ben Brantley, The New York Times, 10. Januar 2013
Mehr Informationen zum Back to Back Theatre unter
Regie: Bruce Gladwin | Entwickelt von: Bruce Gladwin, Mark Deans, Marcia Ferguson, Nicki Holland, Simon Laherty, Sarah Mainwaring, Scott Price, Kate Sulan, Brian Tilley, David Woods | mit: Mark Deans, Simon Laherty, Scott Price, Brian Tilley, Luke Ryan | Licht: Andrew Livingston, Bluebottle | Bühnenkonstruktion: Mark Cutherbertson | Animation: Rhian Hinkley | Komposition: Jóhann Jóhannsson | Kostüme: Shio Otani
Back to Back Theatre is assisted by the Victorian Government through its arts funding body Arts Victoria and the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and Creative Partnerships Australia, its philanthropy and social investment agency for the cultural sector. The provision of employment assistance services for people with disability is funded by the Australian Government under the Services and Support for People with Disability Program. The premiere season of GANESH VERSUS THE THIRD REICH was supported by Keir Foundation, Melbourne Festival, Malthouse Theatre, Sidney Myer Fund, Goethe Institut, National Theatre Studio, London, and ANZ Trustees.
Das Gastspiel wird unterstützt durch MBF Foundation. In Kooperation mit dem Zürcher Theater Spektakel